Humankind used renewable power sources (RPS) since ancient times. The force of wind, water and the Sun is inexhaustible, so men made consistent efforts to harness the elements by using them to perform useful work. Today, this concept has not changed a bit. Technologies and the effectiveness of utilization of renewable power sources, however, have changed a lot. As a matter of fact, green energy is as of yet a new industry in our country with a history of only some ten years. This implies that risks of the sector have not yet been tested by practice. We are lucky to have gained a sizable experience of insurance in the sector despite the fact that enterprises engaged in it are far from numerous.

Over the years, we have taken part in the development and provision of insurance services for widely different facilities: solar panel farms, biogas units, wind turbines, etc. Insurance programs were developed in accordance with the requirements of each client in order to ensure compliance of the sponsoring agencies and investors. In more than one case insurance schemes involved a large number of insurance lines and had to achieve a balance of interests and demands of each of the project participants. The knowledge gained makes it possible for us to assert that we are able to gain insight into the posed requirements and realize the needed insurance program.

To businesses, owners and operators of facilities relating to green energy, we offer brokerage services in such lines of insurance as:

  • Project developer liability insurance;
  • Construction and installation risk insurance;
  • Cargo insurance (of items transported as part of the project);
  • Construction and installation work liability insurance;
  • Insurance of damage caused to third persons and the environment;
  • Property insurance and insurance of costs related to production interruption;
  • Operating enterprise liability insurance;
  • Other lines of insurance.

Your inquiries are welcome. We would be glad to arrange insurance coverage of any business activities.


Evgeniy Boychenko

We ask.
We help.